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Главная » 2012 » Декабрь » 12 » Codejock Xtreme Suite Pro v. (2012, ActiveX) + KeyGen
Codejock Xtreme Suite Pro v. (2012, ActiveX) + KeyGen

[left]Codejock Xtreme SuitePro - корпоративный набор из OCX-компонентов, предназначенных для создания графических оболочек, в помощь разработчикам и программистам Visual Basic, VB.NET, C#.[/left]

[left]Год: 2012
Размер: 113 Мб
Разработчик: Codejock Software
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Таблетка: Codejock Xtreme Keymaker
Совместимость: WinXP, Vista, 7 (x86/x64)

Xtreme SuitePro 2011 сочетает в себе самые популярные ActiveX COM-компоненты, Xtreme Calendar, Xtreme CommandBars, Xtreme Controls, Xtreme DockingPane, Xtreme PropertyGrid, Xtreme ReportControl, Xtreme ShortcutBar, Xtreme Syntax Edit, Xtreme SkinFramework и Xtreme TaskPanel в одном простом в использовании пакете.

Количество всевозможных настроек и вариантов огромно — от различного расположения и расцветки элементов до динамической прозрачности и анимации окон.

Xtreme SuitePro combines our most popular ActiveX COM components, Xtreme CalendarPro, Xtreme CommandBars, Xtreme Controls, Xtreme DockingPane, Xtreme PropertyGrid, Xtreme ReportControl, Xtreme ShortcutBar, Xtreme Syntax Edit, Xtreme SkinFramework and Xtreme TaskPanel into one easy to use package.

Included Products
Each of the products listed are included with Xtreme Suite Professional Edition. Follow the links for each product to view the “Features Tour” for that particular product. When you are finished, you can return to this product page to view the remaining features for Xtreme SuitePro.

Codejock Software’s Xtreme SuitePro combines modern, professional components for ActiveX COM. Developers can easily create Windows applications that leverage the “look and feel” of modern interfaces such as Microsoft Office 2007 or Visual Studio 2005. Included are features such as fully customizable Ribbon and docking Command Bars, Detachable Tab and Auto Hide Windows, Calendar and Date Pickers, Reporting and Grid Controls, Complete Skinning Framework, Syntax Editor Control, Shortcut Bar, Task Panel and more.

Each of the products listed are included with Xtreme Suite Professional Edition. Follow the links for each product to view the “Features Tour” for that particular product. When you are finished, you can return to this product page to view the remaining features for Xtreme SuitePro.

Individual Products

Calendar 2011
for ActiveX and Visual C++

Part of Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro

Xtreme Calendar provides Windows developers with a sophisticated Outlook style calendar and date selection components.

Chart Pro 2011
for ActiveX and Visual C++

Part of Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro

Xtreme Chart Pro is an advanced chart library for Windows environment software development. The Chart provides many different charting styles including bar, bubble, Gantt, area, Flow Graph, and many more!

Command Bars 2011
for ActiveX and Visual C++

Part of Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro

Xtreme CommandBars provides Windows developers with comprehensive, fully customizable menus and toolbars.

Controls 2011
for ActiveX and Visual C++

Part of Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro

Xtreme Controls provides Windows GUI software engineers with several ready-to-use components that have been thoroughly designed and tested.

Docking Pane 2011
for ActiveX and Visual C++

Part of Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro

Xtreme DockingPane provides comprehensive, fully customizable docking panes giving your application a professional and modern interface.
Learn More...

Property Grid 2011
for ActiveX and Visual C++

Part of Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro

Xtreme PropertyGrid provides Windows developers with a comprehensive, fully customizable property grid giving your application a professional and modern interface.

Report Control 2011
for ActiveX and Visual C++

Part of Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro

Xtreme ReportControl provides Windows developers with a sophisticated Outlook style Reporting grid component.

Shortcut Bar 2011
for ActiveX and Visual C++

Part of Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro

Xtreme ShortcutBar provides Windows developers with a Shortcut Bar navigation panel similar to the navigation panel seen in Microsoft® Outlook.

Skin Framework 2011
for ActiveX and Visual C++

Part of Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro

Xtreme SkinFramework provides Windows developers with a highly sophisticated application skinning framework technology that was developed with Windows Themes (Visual Styles) in mind.

Syntax Edit 2011
for ActiveX and Visual C++

Part of Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro

Xtreme SyntaxEdit provides Windows developers with an advanced Visual Studio .NET style text editor component.

Task Panel 2011
for ActiveX and Visual C++

Part of Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro

Xtreme TaskPanel provides Windows developers with an Office style Task Panel similar to what is seen in Microsoft® Office and Windows Explorer.


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